The Marble Gene

Some of those who own bettas may be familiar with the marble gene, or marbling gene, or jumping gene. This is a "hidden" gene within the betta's DNA, completely harmless, but with a very unique side effect. It causes extreme, random color changes throughout the fish's life. Not mild or subtle, most bettas' colors will darken or become more vibrant in the months after purchase. I'm talking about a blue fish turning red, or a red fish turning yellow, or a green fish turning purple. Or a white fish turning black. Illy has the marble gene. It took me completely by surprise. I've had him for over six months. And for over six months, he looked like this: Beautiful, right? He's a gorgeous boy. But the other day, a week or so ago, I noticed a bit of a change. Did he always have that much black? No, I must be misremembering things. Okay, he definitely didn't have that much black! I have a marbling fish! It loo...