Good effing God

So after seeing the velvet that Grim had, I decided to check the others.  The twins were fine, but I'm concerned about Illy.

Now, Illy is white, and very iridescent, and I've never had a white betta before, so I actually don't know if this is velvet or his natural coloring.

God dammit, man

It doesn't look quite like Grim's, and it covers his entire body.  The only place he could've caught it was from Grim, and Grim has only been here for a few weeks. His water is super clean and heated, so there's no way it could've progressed so fast.

So, just to be safe, I turned up the heat to 83 degrees and dropped some aquarium salt in.  I'm going to keep the heat up and the salt in, and keep an eye on him.  Hopefully it's just his coloring.


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